Monday 9 March 2009

Marinaded tuna and pot-roast pork

I ended up making new things on Saturday and Sunday this week. Saturday's dinner was tuna steaks; we fancied something with an Oriental feel to it, and rather than going for the usual teriyaki tuna I followed a suggestion from my friend A and marinaded the steaks in lime juice, fish sauce, garlic and ginger. Grilled and served with sesame noodles and stir-fried broccoli with oyster sauce, it was lovely. Definitely one we'll have again.

We'd got a piece of pork shoulder to have yesterday, and plans to slow-cook it. After some googling I settled on this recipe from the Waitrose website. We didn't have any rosemary or sage, but the pork went into the oven with garlic, thyme, lemon zest and water at five o'clock and stayed there until about half-past nine (an hour longer than the recipe suggested, because there was a late decision to have braised cabbage and I left the pork in until the cabbage was more or less ready.

Possibly as a result of the additional cooking time, the pork was practically falling apart by the time it came out of the oven and didn't look as though it would stand up to being browned while the cooking liquid reduced; instead I simply boiled down the cooking liquid a little at a time, with a splash of red wine added fairly early on. That seemed to work fine, and it made a very nice dinner with the braised cabbage and some mash.

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